- 1 Subtitle
- 2 About Us
- 3 I am Nouman, student at national textile university where I study in garment engineering. Due to my passion and interest in apparel I choose to specialized in garment engineering. Where I have learned and got hand own experience about garment manufacturing and including denim jeans, hoodies, pants and other apparel items. During my study I have learnt a lot of things relevant to garment construction how jeans and other garment are formed form raw fabric and What are the main processes involves for the construction of clothes. Which extend from cutting of raw fabric lays to dispatch of jean to customer. For more extensive hand own experience I have also join one of the major apparel industries of Pakistan such Kay & Emms where I got practical experience about garment manufacturing. In this industry I also got exposure to modern and classing fashion styles. How color combinations makes same clothes more beautiful.
- 4 gliterlight
- 5 As in the modern society clothes are not only a mean to cover your boy but it has become a symbol of your personality where you are being judge by society. Therefor Developing proper sense about dressing for any occasion such as office, home, public gathering has become crucial for every one.
- 6 Vision
About Us
I am Nouman, student at national textile university where I study in garment engineering. Due to my passion and interest in apparel I choose to specialized in garment engineering. Where I have learned and got hand own experience about garment manufacturing and including denim jeans, hoodies, pants and other apparel items. During my study I have learnt a lot of things relevant to garment construction how jeans and other garment are formed form raw fabric and What are the main processes involves for the construction of clothes. Which extend from cutting of raw fabric lays to dispatch of jean to customer. For more extensive hand own experience I have also join one of the major apparel industries of Pakistan such Kay & Emms where I got practical experience about garment manufacturing. In this industry I also got exposure to modern and classing fashion styles. How color combinations makes same clothes more beautiful.
In today’s life Questions like What should one’s wear with specific pant or for specific color of shirt are creating problems. Therefor to provide you proper guide about choosing dresses, by my own experience is my main mission which ultimately provide benefit to reader.
As in the modern society clothes are not only a mean to cover your boy but it has become a symbol of your personality where you are being judge by society. Therefor Developing proper sense about dressing for any occasion such as office, home, public gathering has become crucial for every one.
To provide helpful information about dressing and discover different aspect of jeans and other apparel. To provide help info about jeans in the for of reviews about garments. I hope that user got proper exposure about garment and dressing.